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Big ideas

Objective- Our main objective is to create a cup that is beneficial to women in the work industry. They'll have less of a hassle getting their make up because it will be in the cups secret containers that will be easy to access. 

Mission- Once we sell out we plan on making more cups in a variety of colors and creating more secret compartments. Also we plan on creating a Gboyzz cup if men find interest in our cup but the secret compartments will be for a different purpose.

Keys to Success- We have created several social media platforms for our company that will allow people to get to know our product. Also we have created an advertisement and a commercial that will get people interested in our product. Our product will be sold in cosmetic sections and we hope to create a partnership with cosmetic companies. 

Operation- Our cup contains 3 secret compartments. Two are on the side made to hold anything from lipgloss, mascara, or concealer. Lastly there is a screw off at the bottom made to hold powder. Our cup will be made out of stainless steal.


Distribution- Our cup will  be distributed and manufactured in china. well be sold online with Fedex, UPS . also well be sold at your local stores near you at CVS, Sephora, MAC. 

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